How Meta-Kryemadhi became millionaires during 30 years in politics, here are the untold stories of the couple who married in power and divorced in opposition, from the luxurious villa with 11 toilets, the palm trees that were brought by helicopter, the...
SPAK issues 19 arrest warrants for Tirana's incinerator, the list includes high-ranking officials, politicians, media leaders and their families, the details of the big operation are disclosed
Does the UDB agency connect Sali Berisha and Baton Haxhiu, this is how the former prime minister defended the analyst for the villa in Golem who is being investigated by SPAK and "swallowed" all the slanderous accusations that they have exchanged with ...
Sali Berisha did not have a mandate according to the Constitution, the head of the DP makes way for Argita and prepares to crown his daughter on the throne with the July 12 protest, Gaz Bardhi ends up as a "squeezed lemon"
The incinerators' money guarantees Arben Ahmetaj's life on the run, here are the transfers of hundreds of thousands of euros by Albanian taxpayers to Swiss offshores, SPAK reveals that the businessman who is helping him in Lugano is accused of money la...
Belinda Balluku "mountain" with reports to SPAK, here are all the scandals in which the deputy prime minister is involved, from investigations into incinerators, corrupt tenders, contracts, privatizations and up to scandalous firms for giving public lands
Strong developments within SPAK, the prosecutors extend the investigation deadlines for Arben Ahmetaj by 3 months and send summons to the oligarch who is accused of money laundering
Spartak Ngjela reveals the "bombastic" behind-the-scenes: This is why the divorce of Ilir Meta and Monika Kryemadhi cannot save them from the shackles and the strong reason that DASH senior official Richard Nephew avoided meetings in Tirana with the 'R...
US-China relations have entered a new scary era, this is why incidents between them can get out of control and why there is no "truce" between the superpowers
Written by Marsela Shytia 2 Qershor 2023
After the G7 summit in May in Hiroshima, US President Joe Biden claimed he expected a "thaw" in "frozen" relations with China. However, despite several recent official bilateral meetings, relations remain icy. At the G7 summit, the US, Japan, Europe and their friends and allies made it clearer than ever that they intend to join forces to counter China. But going even further, the G7 devoted a significant portion of its final communiqué to explaining how it would confront and deter China in the years ahead. Among other things, the document condemns Chinese policies of "economic coercion" and emphasizes the importance of an Indo-Pacific partnership to thwart China's efforts to dominate Asia.
Lloyd Austin Alarm
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has called on Beijing to resume bilateral security talks, warning that incidents could "spin out of control" if China's military continues to take provocative actions in international waters and airspace. At a news conference in Tokyo, Austin said it was "unfortunate" that Beijing rejected the Pentagon's request for him to meet with Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu at a security forum in Singapore this week. The warning comes as Austin prepares to attend the Shangri-La Dialogue security forum in Singapore, where the issue of dangerous maneuvers is likely to be a topic of discussion. Prior to the same forum a year ago,
Dangerous maneuvers
So recently, China has blamed a US "provocation" for an incident in which a Chinese jet flew in front of a US surveillance plane over the South China Sea. "The long-term and frequent dispatch of US ships and aircraft to conduct close surveillance over China seriously harms China's sovereignty and national security," foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said Wednesday. "This kind of provocative activity, dangerous is the cause of safety issues at sea. "China will continue to take all necessary steps to resolutely protect its sovereignty and security," Mao said. The US military said on Tuesday a Chinese fighter pilot conducted an "unnecessarily aggressive maneuver" near a US surveillance aircraft operating over the South China Sea last week.
The new phase
Incidenti vjen në një kohë të lidhjeve të prishura midis Uashingtonit dhe Pekinit për çështje që përfshijnë Tajvanin , të cilin Kina e konsideron si territorin e saj, dhe rrëzimin e një balone spiune kinez që fluturoi mbi SHBA këtë vit.Ndërkohë, lufta teknologjike dhe ekonomike perëndimore-kineze ka vazhduar të përshkallëzohet.Japonia po vendos kufizime në eksportet e gjysmëpërçuesve në Kinë, të cilat nuk janë më pak drakoniane sesa ato të vendosura nga SHBA, dhe administrata Biden po i bën presion Tajvanit dhe Koresë së Jugut që të ndjekin shembullin.Si përgjigje, Kina ka ndaluar çipat e prodhuar nga Micron me bazë në SHBA.Politikëbërësit amerikanë e kanë bërë të qartë se ata synojnë ta lënë Kinën pas, në garën për supremacinë e AI.Siç ka shkruar “Financial Times”, epoka e përballjes strategjike në të cilën kemi hyrë është e frikshme.“Pika fillestare duhet të jetë arritja e transparencës mbi synimet dhe planet tona.Ne e mësuam domosdoshmërinë e kësaj pas krizës së raketave Kubane në 1962. Por do të na duhet shumë më tepër se kaq. Pak liderë në histori kanë mbajtur një barrë morale kaq të rëndë se liderët e kohëve të sotme”, përmbyll prestigjozja “Financial Times”.