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"Gërdeci", the file that burns Sali Berisha and his son, the families of the victims are accepted as parties in the process, what is expected to happen with Zeni and Mediu, the USA monitors the judicial process
Written by Sidorela BRAÇJA 8 Qershor 2023
The file of "Gërdec", it seems, will burn former prime minister Sali Berisha and his son, Shkëlez. SPAK is currently investigating the Gërdec tragedy that occurred on March 15, 2015, where 26 people lost their lives in the weapons dismantling factory, around 300 others were injured, while the material damage was countless. Since that year, Berisha and his son are the two main accused as architects of this mega affair. Yesterday, the next hearing on this matter was held, while the fact that the judicial process was also monitored by representatives of the United States of America embassy in Tirana stood out. However, the Special Court against Corruption and Organized Crime (GJKKO) has once again postponed the hearing against the former Minister of Defense Fatmir Mediu regarding the case of Gërdec. The next session will be held on June 22. The reason for this was a request made by one of the injured parties, which was considered as an innovation and was accepted by the judges. Meanwhile, 290 people injured in the Gërdec tragedy will be notified to participate in the June 22 session. The family members of the victims will also be parties to the process. As for Mediu's defense lawyer, Ardian Visha, such a decision is considered meaningless. On June 22, SPAK is expected to file a claim against Mediu, who has been charged with 2 criminal offences. But nevertheless, despite the delay, one thing is certain that Berisha and his son, as the main implicated in this file, seem to be one step away from prison. Meanwhile, 290 people injured in the Gërdec tragedy will be notified to participate in the June 22 session. The family members of the victims will also be parties to the process. As for Mediu's defense lawyer, Ardian Visha, such a decision is considered meaningless. On June 22, SPAK is expected to file a claim against Mediu, who has been charged with 2 criminal offences. But nevertheless, despite the delay, one thing is certain that Berisha and his son, as the main implicated in this file, seem to be one step away from prison. Meanwhile, 290 people injured in the Gërdec tragedy will be notified to participate in the June 22 session. The family members of the victims will also be parties to the process. As for Mediu's defense lawyer, Ardian Visha, such a decision is considered meaningless. On June 22, SPAK is expected to file a claim against Mediu, who has been charged with 2 criminal offences. But nevertheless, despite the delay, one thing is certain that Berisha and his son, as the main implicated in this file, seem to be one step away from prison. Ardian Visha, such a decision is considered meaningless. On June 22, SPAK is expected to file a claim against Mediu, who has been charged with 2 criminal offences. But nevertheless, despite the delay, one thing is certain that Berisha and his son, as the main implicated in this file, seem to be one step away from prison. Ardian Visha, such a decision is considered meaningless. On June 22, SPAK is expected to file a claim against Mediu, who has been charged with 2 criminal offences. But nevertheless, despite the delay, one thing is certain that Berisha and his son, as the main implicated in this file, seem to be one step away from prison.
Relatives, parties to the process, the lawyer: It is a victory for them
Meanwhile, Dorian Matlija, the lawyer of the Durda family, a family which lost its son in the tragedy of Gërdec in 2008, said that the family is now a party to the criminal case and will fight side by side to seek justice. "The history of the participation of victims in criminal cases is a very long fight. Victims are part of the process and are side by side to choose the case. He would make a public announcement. They have rights to write anything. It is a victory for the Durda family, as they have made efforts a long time ago. New evidence cannot be introduced at summary judgment. In ordinary judgement, anything can happen. I want to say that the interest of family members is consistently. Only the truth sets people free," said Matlija. Meanwhile, Zamira Durda said that this is a small victory for them. She said her son was killed on the orders of the minister. 'A small victory. Let's see how it will go. Evidence is public. The weapons came on the order of the minister and they killed my son", said Durda.
Kujtojmë që më herët e njëjta seancë ku SPAK duhej të jepte pretencën, është shtyrë me arsyen e mospranisë së avokatëve të Fatmir Mediut. Njëri prej avokatëve të Mediut, Henrik Ligori paraqiti një raport mjekësor ndërsa avokati tjetër, Ardian Visha paraqiti një fletëthirrje gjyqi që kishte në një proces tjetër në Durrës. Dy prokurorët e SPAK Klodian Braho dhe Arben Kraja e konsideruan të paligjshëm pretendimin e avokatit dhe kërkuan të caktohet edhe një avokat nga shteti. Do të jetë avokati Artan Simoni që do të përfaqësojë Mediun në seancën e sotme. Ish-ministri i Mbrojtjes, Fatmir Mediu, akuzohet se në lidhje me procesin e çmilitarizimit dhe çmontimit të municioneve që është zhvilluar në ambientet e ish “Brigatës së Tankeve”, në fshatin Gërdec, në bashkëpunim me funksionarë të tjerë të Ministrisë së Mbrojtjes si dhe persona që kanë pasur cilësinë e ushtarakut kuadër komandues, ka nxjerrë disa akte nënligjore në kundërshtim me ligjin. Sipas SPAK, Mediu ka dëmtuar interesat e shtetit dhe ka favorizuar 2 kompanitë, 'SAC' dhe 'Albademil'. Për këtë çështje ai akuzohet për “shpërdorim detyre” referuar Kodit Penal dhe “Shpërdorim i detyrës” në bashkëpunim me subjekt ushtarak-kuadër komandues.
Si ndodhi tragjedia e Gërdecit?
Ishte data 15 mars (e shtunë), 2008 rreth orës 12:05, ku si pasojë e një shpërthimi të fuqishëm në një "fabrikë" për demontimin e armëve humbën jetën të paktën 26 persona, punëtorë të kësaj fabrike “vdekjeje” e fëmijë të zonës. Shpërthimi ishte aq i fuqishëm sa që shkatërroi 3000 banesa e biznese. Një “betejë” e gjatë dhe e ashpër po zhvillohet mes familjeve të viktimave, qeverisë dhe drejtësisë, me bazë akuzat e ndërsjellta mes palëve. Për këtë tragjedi prokuroria dërgoi 28 të pandehur në gjykatë, mes tyre edhe Mihal Delijorgjin, president i shoqërisë “Albademil”, Ylli Pinari, drejtor i kompanisë MEICO dhe Dritan Minxholli, administrator i fabrikës, të cilët janë liruar nga burgu pas kryerjes së dënimeve përkatëse. Në shkurt 2013, Gjykata e Apelit reduktoi me 1/3 dënimin e dhënë nga Gjykata e Tiranës për tre të pandehurit kryesorë të dosjes “Gërdeci”. Vetë Fatmir Mediu, kryetar i Partisë Republikane, që në zgjedhjet e 25 prillit u zgjodh deputet si pjesë e listave të Partisë Demokratike, i ka mohuar vazhdimisht akuzat për përfshirjen e tij në çështjen “Gërdeci”.